

Yes this morning we woke up to our very first ‘tiny’ viewing of snow!!

Unfortunately the snow we woke up to this morning was not the nice big soft white snow flakes gently floating down but nasty little bits of snow falling from a horrible grey sky and bitter cold. We knew it would be followed by sleet and then rain so if I was going to get any photo’s with a hint of snow then I had to brave the elements.

So I only rushed out to the garden with camera in hand trying very hard to remember some of the tips I had read on P4AF when I had asked the question about taking photographs of frost and snow….needless to say I couldn’t remember everything so I just took a few pics quickly and rushed back indoors!

They’re not brilliant and I can see where they need improving but I can at least prove to you that we did have a few flakes of snow this morning..

On my last post I showed you a photo of the whole of the ‘white flower’ the one I didn’t know the name of, but now I can show you a close up of the same flower which I have posted above.

Whatever the weather in your part of the world I hope you’ve had a good weekend, if you did take any photo’s perhaps you’ve posted them on your blogs in which case I’ll be dropping by to catch up with you.

snow12snow4 snow3 Take care and I’ll catch up with you soon. Thanks for dropping by and any comments left are much appreciated.




What plans – my intention was as mentioned in my previous post not to leave it so long before posting some photo’s again but life never goes to a plan does it and I have so found this out over the past couple of weeks!!

It all started when I tried to load the update from Microsoft Service Pack 3 and the ‘error’ message kept appearing. Ok too many things going on in my life that I left it for a day or two and then got a reminder so I tried again only to get the same error message. Also I noticed that certain programs stopped working on my PC..Service pack 3 had obviously loaded in part and this was then causing problems..

Anyway I won’t go into all the technical bits about it mainly because I got lost along the way as my dear hubby tried to explain to me what was happening. Anyway lets cut a long, long story short and tell you that I now have a new hard drive installed and I’m still in the process of loading different programs etc. and also stretching my memory to it’s limit in trying to remember all the passwords I need to access the different sites, forums etc that I visit.

So that’s the story of where I have been of late and maybe, just maybe I’ll get back to taking some photo’s soon.

The photo of the ‘white flower’ at the top is one that I took in the week whilst trying to find some calm in what was at the time a most frustrating PC day!! By the way the label was missing so I can’t even give you the name of it ..says it all doesn’t it!!

Oh and if any-one of you my visitors have spare time to give away please send it in my direction!

Regards to you all


I’m back..

Yes I know it’s 3 weeks now since I last posted but I’ve been really busy and I’ve had to put a few things on one side including my blog whilst I got on with ‘other matters’…

So not a lot happening on the photography side for me at the moment and as I type this and look out of the window I don’t think much will be happening for a while to come as the weather is really not at it’s best. We put the clocks back here in the UK last week and ever since then we seem to have had either dull, wet or windy days none of which inspire me to go out there with a camera. Anyway I did take a few photo’s a couple of weeks ago so I’ll put them here for you to see..

The first one at the top of the page is a photo of a fungi that was growing at the bottom of my Beech Bonsai Tree. It was only 2cm in size and I had to use my Macro lens to even get a good look at it but I was quite pleased with the end result. This next photo is one I took looking across part of the gardens over at Hyde Hall, although it doesn’t show it as I had hoped but the clouds appeared to be hanging so low in the sky that they seemed to be touching the tree tops at times..
So I’ll end with a few more pics I’ve taken recently including the last of the fushia and the grass flowers. This weather is finishing them off very quickly. Next time I’ll hopefully come back with some more interesting ones for you, although they may well be of ‘winter’…now there’s a thought to leave you with. grassflowerfushia

Thanks for popping by and I’ll try and not leave it so long the next time…

Take care